2010年9月28日 星期二


本滿心期待 second trimester 的到來,朋友說的,書上也說的,second trimester 是最好過的一段時間。可對我來說卻更苦,不但 first trimester 的症狀沒有消失,一整天就是覺得哪裡不對勁,早餐過後就開始想吐,沒有食慾,三珍海味在我面前還不如粗茶淡飯,食不知味之外,還偶爾來個頭痛,嘔吐。現在又加上肚子痛,讓人整個心情煩躁了起來。昨晚痛到哇哇叫,坐也不是,躺也不是。這痛,有時像是抽痛,有時像是筋孿,有時像是整個腹部要爆炸,痛得我走路時站都站不直,只能彎著腰向老太婆一樣。還好去看了醫生,小寶貝都健康快樂的樣子。醫生說只能忍一忍囉!


5 則留言:

Yu-Rong 提到...

WOW~~ Congratulations!! Things will get better, I promise!

Chuchu 提到...

Thank you, Yu-Rong! I hope so. Some people feel sick for six months. I hope I am not one of them. At least I want the taste of food back! :(

Amanda 提到...

Yeah... I was sick until 16 weeks. Apparently, morning sickness doesn't go away overnight. The sharp pain will also eventually go away (have hope!). Mine got much better at 24 weeks. Then comes nerve and bladder pain when the baby kicks oh-so-accurately at them. But by then, everything else seem to be a blur because you get pregnancy forgetfulness -- something I believe is there to make us continue to reproduce because we forget the pain and torture for the 9 months...

Peiling 提到...


Chuchu 提到...
