這是我們選的歌, 要由過去帶我認識主的一個姊妹獻唱, 她有著非常甜美的歌聲, 在師大主修就是音樂, 來了美國改了行, 現在還是 Intel 的工程師呢! 不過, 她對音樂仍然是那樣的熱愛執著, 我對她印象最深的一個畫面就是 我們去她家聚會, 剛到她家時, 她在她家平台鋼琴前 彈琴唱歌的忘我陶醉的神情, 很美!
一個月前我不好意思的問她願不願意為我們婚禮獻唱, 她很爽快的就答應了. 我高興的那晚還睡不著覺哩!! 這首歌我是從網路找來找去找來的, 是 Christian & Gospel 類別的歌... 因為我們的婚禮程序單上是中英對照, 我現在想辦法要把這首歌翻成中文, 網路找了一下, 似乎這首歌還沒被翻成中文.....
*Love will be our home* music by Roger Whittaker; lyrics by Sandi Patty
If home is really where the heart is
Then home must be a place we all share
for even with our difference our hearts are much the same
And where love is we come together there.
Wherever there is laughter ringing
Someone smiling, someone dreaming
We can live together there
Love will be our home.
Where there are children singing
Where a tender heart is beating
We can live together there
Love will be our home
With love our hearts can be a family
And hope can bring this family face to face
Although we may be far apart our hearts can be as one
When love brings us together in one place.
Wherever there is laughter ringing
Someone smiling, someone dreaming
We can live together there
Love will be our home.
Where there are words of kindness spoken
Where a vow is never broken
We can live together there
Love will be our home
Love will, love will be our home (repeat 4x)