2009年1月28日 星期三
過著不出『雪』洞的 Buffalonian 生活
UB 的每一棟建築幾乎都有 tunnel 相連起來,所以在冬天下大雪的時候,不必走出去。今天第一次感受到這樣的好處。剛剛我為了兩張免費的籃球賽票(我們又不能去看,還是去領了票...可送人),變開始了我對 UB 校園的第一次探索。我必須從我辦公室到籃球場,經過約8棟建築吧。到最後,就在要到籃球場那棟建築之前,還是得出來就是了。就在 45 分鐘之後,我終於把票帶回辦公室!
2009年1月27日 星期二
身上的『肥蟲』,你抓到了嗎?You aren't fat. It's just a tubby bug!
剛剛在網路查了一下,Wiki 說這種病毒 AD-36 只被發現在雞跟猴子身上,人類尚未被找到。(資料也許還沒有被 update.) 但是許多英國新聞有報,今晚 BBC2 節目會報。不過,看起來這樣的研究成果尚未在科學性期刊發表。
("Why Are Thin People Not Fat?" will be on BBC2 at 9pm on 1/27/09.)
你胖嗎?怪你身邊的人 (copy from 奇摩新聞)
剛剛在網路查了一下,Wiki 說這種病毒 AD-36 只被發現在雞跟猴子身上,人類尚未被找到。(資料也許還沒有被 update.) 但是許多英國新聞有報,今晚 BBC2 節目會報。不過,看起來這樣的研究成果尚未在科學性期刊發表。
("Why Are Thin People Not Fat?" will be on BBC2 at 9pm on 1/27/09.)
你胖嗎?怪你身邊的人 (copy from 奇摩新聞)
2009年1月26日 星期一
2009年1月14日 星期三
"This I Love" by Guns n' Roses 槍與玫瑰
去年突然聽到他們在十多年之後才終於出這一張『Chinese Democracy』專輯,很興奮。今天終於借來聽聽,聽到這首歌,便愛上了。實在太棒了!忍不住跟著嘶吼起來!
"This I Love" is such a good song; my favorite in "Chinese Democracy" album by Guns N Roses.
Writer : Axl Rose / Music Genre : Piano Rock
(Song Lyrics)
And now I don’t know why
She wouldn’t say goodbye
But then it seems that I
Had seen it in her eyes
And it might not be wise
I’d still have to try
With all the love I have inside
I can’t deny
I just can’t let it die
Cause her heart’s just like mine
And she holds her pain inside
So if you ask me why
She wouldn’t say goodbye
I know somewhere inside
There is a special light
Still shining bright
And even on the darkest night
She can’t deny
So if she’s somewhere near me
I hope to God she hears me
There’s no one else could ever make me feel
I’m so alive
I hoped she’d never leave me
Please God you must believe me
I’ve searched the universe and found myself
Within’ her eyes
No matter how I try
They say it’s all a lie
So what’s the use of my
Confessions to a crime
Of passions that won’t die
In my heaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaart
So if she’s somewhere near me
I hope to God she hears me
There’s no one else could ever make me feel
I’m so alive
I hoped she’d never leave me
Please God you must believe me
I’ve searched the universe and found myself
Within’ her eyes
(Guitar Solo)
So if she’s somewhere near me
I hope to God she hears me
There’s no one else could ever make me feel
I’m so alive
I hoped she’d never leave me
Please God you must believe me
I’ve searched the universe and found myself
Within’ her eyes
And now I don’t know why
She wouldn’t say goodbye
It just might be that I
Had seen it in her eyes
And now it seems that I
Gave up my ghost of pride
I’ll never say goodbye aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaeeeeye
去年突然聽到他們在十多年之後才終於出這一張『Chinese Democracy』專輯,很興奮。今天終於借來聽聽,聽到這首歌,便愛上了。實在太棒了!忍不住跟著嘶吼起來!
"This I Love" is such a good song; my favorite in "Chinese Democracy" album by Guns N Roses.
Writer : Axl Rose / Music Genre : Piano Rock
(Song Lyrics)
And now I don’t know why
She wouldn’t say goodbye
But then it seems that I
Had seen it in her eyes
And it might not be wise
I’d still have to try
With all the love I have inside
I can’t deny
I just can’t let it die
Cause her heart’s just like mine
And she holds her pain inside
So if you ask me why
She wouldn’t say goodbye
I know somewhere inside
There is a special light
Still shining bright
And even on the darkest night
She can’t deny
So if she’s somewhere near me
I hope to God she hears me
There’s no one else could ever make me feel
I’m so alive
I hoped she’d never leave me
Please God you must believe me
I’ve searched the universe and found myself
Within’ her eyes
No matter how I try
They say it’s all a lie
So what’s the use of my
Confessions to a crime
Of passions that won’t die
In my heaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaart
So if she’s somewhere near me
I hope to God she hears me
There’s no one else could ever make me feel
I’m so alive
I hoped she’d never leave me
Please God you must believe me
I’ve searched the universe and found myself
Within’ her eyes
(Guitar Solo)
So if she’s somewhere near me
I hope to God she hears me
There’s no one else could ever make me feel
I’m so alive
I hoped she’d never leave me
Please God you must believe me
I’ve searched the universe and found myself
Within’ her eyes
And now I don’t know why
She wouldn’t say goodbye
It just might be that I
Had seen it in her eyes
And now it seems that I
Gave up my ghost of pride
I’ll never say goodbye aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaeeeeye
2009年1月13日 星期二
The best job in the world 世界最好的工作
今天從 Yahoo News 看到的這則『世界最好的工作』新聞,真是讓我心動不已呀!從來沒有這麼這麼羨慕一種 job 過!在像天堂一樣的地方工作就算了,工作項目竟是漫步白沙和潛泳岩礁灣,上電視做簡介?6 個月!以前很羨慕『世界真奇妙』的電視節目主持人,這個工作,感覺比那還好!
唉!余不諳水性(會游泳但不會潛水,不確定會不會海泳),只好放棄申請的機會,不然其他工作要求項目再怎麼樣不 qualify 也可亂掰一下,。。。。。。只要能夠飛去那邊面試已經是一種享受不是嗎?
澳洲一直是我夢想中的一個度假地。我望著窗外,大雪紛飛的景象,感嘆的大叫『啊。。。。。。,天堂岛,Hamilton Island,好想去呀!』
Australia offers 'best job in world' on paradise island
SYDNEY (AFP) – An Australian state is offering internationally what it calls "the best job in the world" -- earning a top salary for lazing around a beautiful tropical island for six months.
The job pays 150,000 Australian dollars (105,000 US dollars) and includes free airfares from the winner's home country to Hamilton Island on the Great Barrier Reef, Queensland's state government announced on Tuesday.
In return, the "island caretaker" will be expected to stroll the white sands, snorkel the reef, take care of "a few minor tasks" -- and report to a global audience via weekly blogs, photo diaries and video updates.
The successful applicant, who will stay rent-free in a three-bedroom beach home complete with plunge pool and golf buggy, must be a good swimmer, excellent communicator and be able to speak and write English.
"They'll also have to talk to media from time to time about what they're doing so they can't be too shy and they'll have to love the sea, the sun, the outdoors," said acting state Premier Paul Lucas.
"The fact that they will be paid to explore the islands of the Great Barrier Reef, swim, snorkel and generally live the Queensland lifestyle makes this undoubtedly the best job in the world."
Lucas said the campaign was part of a drive to protect the state's 18 billion Australian dollar a year tourism industry during the tough economic climate caused by the global financial meltdown.
"Traditional tourism advertising just doesn't cut it sometimes and we are thinking outside the box by launching this campaign."
Queensland Tourism Minister Desley Boyle said some people might question whether it was risky to let an unknown person become an unofficial tourism spokesperson for the state.
"I think the biggest risk will be that the successful candidate won't want to go home at the end of the six months," she said.
"This is a legitimate job which is open to anyone and everyone."
Applications are open until February 22. Eleven shortlisted candidates will be flown to Hamilton Island in early May for the final selection process and the six month contract will commence on July 1.
Job-seekers can apply on.
唉!余不諳水性(會游泳但不會潛水,不確定會不會海泳),只好放棄申請的機會,不然其他工作要求項目再怎麼樣不 qualify 也可亂掰一下,。。。。。。只要能夠飛去那邊面試已經是一種享受不是嗎?
澳洲一直是我夢想中的一個度假地。我望著窗外,大雪紛飛的景象,感嘆的大叫『啊。。。。。。,天堂岛,Hamilton Island,好想去呀!』
Australia offers 'best job in world' on paradise island
SYDNEY (AFP) – An Australian state is offering internationally what it calls "the best job in the world" -- earning a top salary for lazing around a beautiful tropical island for six months.
The job pays 150,000 Australian dollars (105,000 US dollars) and includes free airfares from the winner's home country to Hamilton Island on the Great Barrier Reef, Queensland's state government announced on Tuesday.
In return, the "island caretaker" will be expected to stroll the white sands, snorkel the reef, take care of "a few minor tasks" -- and report to a global audience via weekly blogs, photo diaries and video updates.
The successful applicant, who will stay rent-free in a three-bedroom beach home complete with plunge pool and golf buggy, must be a good swimmer, excellent communicator and be able to speak and write English.
"They'll also have to talk to media from time to time about what they're doing so they can't be too shy and they'll have to love the sea, the sun, the outdoors," said acting state Premier Paul Lucas.
"The fact that they will be paid to explore the islands of the Great Barrier Reef, swim, snorkel and generally live the Queensland lifestyle makes this undoubtedly the best job in the world."
Lucas said the campaign was part of a drive to protect the state's 18 billion Australian dollar a year tourism industry during the tough economic climate caused by the global financial meltdown.
"Traditional tourism advertising just doesn't cut it sometimes and we are thinking outside the box by launching this campaign."
Queensland Tourism Minister Desley Boyle said some people might question whether it was risky to let an unknown person become an unofficial tourism spokesperson for the state.
"I think the biggest risk will be that the successful candidate won't want to go home at the end of the six months," she said.
"This is a legitimate job which is open to anyone and everyone."
Applications are open until February 22. Eleven shortlisted candidates will be flown to Hamilton Island in early May for the final selection process and the six month contract will commence on July 1.
Job-seekers can apply on.
2009年1月6日 星期二
Rayman Raving Rabbits
第一次玩這 Wii 的遊戲是在我一個大學同學家。玩完之後一直回味不已,實在佩服製作這遊戲者的創意跟幽默感。許多遊戲闖關的方式跟日本搞笑的闖關型節目很像。(附註:這遊戲公司是間法國公司,不是在日本!)
我們覺得有幾個 game 特 fun, 皮皮最喜歡這個跳舞的遊戲。一聽到那音樂就讓人想跳舞的感覺,加上看到在中間伴舞的那群兔子,實在讓人捧腹大笑。
兔子上廁所不關門的遊戲也是挺有趣的。這個 video 裡的玩者還挺厲害的。
我們覺得有幾個 game 特 fun, 皮皮最喜歡這個跳舞的遊戲。一聽到那音樂就讓人想跳舞的感覺,加上看到在中間伴舞的那群兔子,實在讓人捧腹大笑。
兔子上廁所不關門的遊戲也是挺有趣的。這個 video 裡的玩者還挺厲害的。
2009年1月4日 星期日
2009年1月1日 星期四
我們的大腦像是一部電腦,需要有一套有效率的散熱系統,低溫時腦筋才能有效率的正常運作(難怪我們常說『頭腦要冷靜』)。這群研究人員拿鸚鵡來做實驗,找鸚鵡為研究對象的原因是因為他們的『腦』相對來講比較大,但是鸚鵡不像許多動物或是人類,他們打哈欠是『不』會互相傳染的,所以實驗時可以去除這一個因素,結果比較容易分析。他們將鸚鵡三組:變溫(溫度由室溫至高)組、恆高溫組、恆室溫組。結果第一組鸚鵡在溫度漸漸增愈高時,呵欠就打得愈頻繁,而其他兩組,鸚鵡打呵欠的頻率卻無改變。研究人員解釋說,若所處環境溫度本來就很高,打呵欠多吸進的空氣溫度反而更會增加你的腦溫,所以不能達到散熱效果,所以不應增加打呵欠次數。類似道理,若所處環境溫度極低,也不應會打呵欠,因為吸進的大堆低溫空氣與腦溫一下子會差太多,會導致熱休克(a thermal shock)。
我們的大腦像是一部電腦,需要有一套有效率的散熱系統,低溫時腦筋才能有效率的正常運作(難怪我們常說『頭腦要冷靜』)。這群研究人員拿鸚鵡來做實驗,找鸚鵡為研究對象的原因是因為他們的『腦』相對來講比較大,但是鸚鵡不像許多動物或是人類,他們打哈欠是『不』會互相傳染的,所以實驗時可以去除這一個因素,結果比較容易分析。他們將鸚鵡三組:變溫(溫度由室溫至高)組、恆高溫組、恆室溫組。結果第一組鸚鵡在溫度漸漸增愈高時,呵欠就打得愈頻繁,而其他兩組,鸚鵡打呵欠的頻率卻無改變。研究人員解釋說,若所處環境溫度本來就很高,打呵欠多吸進的空氣溫度反而更會增加你的腦溫,所以不能達到散熱效果,所以不應增加打呵欠次數。類似道理,若所處環境溫度極低,也不應會打呵欠,因為吸進的大堆低溫空氣與腦溫一下子會差太多,會導致熱休克(a thermal shock)。
Happy New Year!
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